Package Deal

Recommended order of study:

Cost DVD Name & Description
$250 Clear Defense – Street Self Defense
$50 Street Tactics, Strategies & Methods
$100 The Open Hand
$100 Elbow & Hand Destructions
$100 Knee & Foot Destructions
$100 Trappling & Grappling, Part 1
$100 Trappling & Grappling, Part 2
$100 Multiple Attackers, Strategies & Drills
$100 Surprise Attacks & Ground-Fighting
$50 Gun Tactics & Strategies
$50 Handgun Retention
$50 Handgun Disarms
$100 Knife: Fighting, Defense & Tactics
$100 Tactical Pen DVD
$50 Magazine – Street Self Defense Tactics
$395 Knockout Striking Package
$1795 Total Cost

Total cost of the DVDs, if bought separately, is $1795. However we are offering a package deal of $1284, a savings of $511 for all 21 DVDs.